Title: Ain't That So Pairing: Kathy Swanson/Gwen Cooper Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 100 Notes: Prompt from tw100. Challenge #231-The Women. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome. Cross-posting, Ahoy! Summary: Kathy doesn't mind all of Torchwood.
Title: Dressed For The Occasion Pairing: Jack Harkness/Kathy Swanson Rating: R Wordcount: 100 Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 189. Happy Birthday captjharknesstw. Thanks to proseac1 for SPaG lookover. Comments and concrit welcome. Cross-posting Ahoy! Warning: Cross-dressing. Summary: Naked is just the beginning.
Title: The Method Pairing: Jack Harkness/Kathy Swanson Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 100 Notes: Written for tw100 Challenge 159. Reverse fandom challenge: Lost, Episode title: Two For The Road. Beta'ed by hllangel Summary: Another conquest
Title: Disguise Author: shadowbyrd Rating: G Prompt: 27. (Author's choice) "Let's play pretend" for un_love_you Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Tosh/Kathy Word Count: 349 Summary: You can't always be yourself. A/N: The John mentioned in here isn't John Hart.